Dairy Free Milk Recipes


It is ridiculously easy to make your own dairy free milk. It’s also cheap… really cheap! In this post are recipes for rice, coconut, and cashew milks. Also included are some benefits of making your own milk.

(note: feel free to print out the recipe cards or share them wherever)


Price: One quart of any dairy free milk is about $3 from the average grocery store. Compared to homemade dairy free milks:

  • .08 cents for one quart of rice milk.
  • .56 cents for one quart of coconut milk.
  • $1.80 for one quart of cashew milk.

Health: When you make something yourself from scratch you know exactly what’s going into it. You can then easily avoid preservatives, sugars, and other junk.

Environment: Zero waste! Buy your ingredients in bulk, store the milk in a mason jar or other reusable container, and BOOM no wasteful carton.

Convenience: Whip up some milk at home quicker than running to the grocery store to buy some.


Rice milk is the cheapest to make and also the most diverse. A good tip is to cook a batch of rice once a week so you’ll have some ready to go in the fridge for making rice milk or rice dinners. My favorite uses are for cereal, oatmeal, and any baking recipe.
Rice Milk Recipe Card


Cashew milk is so creamy and delicious! It’s perfect for hot chocolate or thick milkshakes. Just remember to first soak your cashews for about 2 hours. You can also substitute the cashews for any other nut, like almonds, but you’ll need to soak those overnight.


cashew milk recipe card


Coconut milk is the quickest to make as it requires no cooking or soaking first. I like it best in curry dishes and tropical smoothies.


Coconut Milk Recipe Card


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