Ghost Town Adventures: Grafton, Utah

“Unless we remember we cannot understand.”
-E. M. Forster

Grafton, Utah was settled in 1859-1862. Near Zion National Park, it is absolutely gorgeous! During their brief history they endured many hardships. The Black Hawk Indian War caused the town to be temporarily evacuated. On the banks of the Virgin River, they were prone to severe flooding. Numerous tragedies and illnesses struck one year known as The Hard Year of 1866. The town was mostly abandoned by 1921. Grafton has been featured in several movies, including 1969’s Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. For more detailed info and historic pictures check out The Grafton Heritage Partnership Project.

The Historic Rockville Bridge

To get to Grafton you drive through the town of Rockville and across this historic single lane bridge. It was built in 1924 and is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Before the Zion Mount Carmel highway was finished, this was the route from the Grand Canyon to Zion National Park.
This is the only Parker Through Truss type of bridge left in Utah.





A dirt road leads you to the hauntingly beautiful ghost town. With green pastures, rustic wood fences, and old buildings, it feels like you’ve stepped back in time. You can almost hear the children running and laughing.  You can easily imagine the men working outside. The history as well as the landscape make this place feel extremely sacred.












The Grafton Cemetery

This cemetery is the resting place of 74-84 Mormon Pioneers and Southern Paiutes.  The headstones vary greatly in material and design.  They are all incredible. 








There is a short hiking trail that starts at the cemetery. It has some of the most stunning views! Here is a post about it.

Peace & Love.


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15 Benefits of Small & Inexpensive Homes

Small and affordable homes rock! We bought our older home in 2011. We got an amazing deal on it and we love the area it’s located. When we bought it everyone and their dog would tell us it was a good “starter home”. Please. I think the whole idea of progressively buying bigger houses with even bigger mortgages is absolutely ridiculous. What’s wrong with a smaller home, that’s full of character, and will be paid off sooner than most people’s houses? Nothing! Dare to be frugal. Stick it to the man. Here are 15 benefits of small & inexpensive homes.

1. Not as expensive to purchase.
Seems obvious but a $150,000 house is $100,000 cheaper than a $250,000 house! That’s a lot of money. Not to mention all the money you’ll save on interest, especially if you pay it off sooner.

2. Lower property taxes.
You can seriously save thousands of dollars per year.

3. Less to furnish and decorate.
It doesn’t make sense to have multiple living or family rooms. That’s a lot that needs to be furnished. One room that can be multi-functional works perfectly. Besides, so many people in larger homes don’t even use most of their space.

4. Not as much to repair.
In a smaller house there won’t be as much that can go wrong. The maintenance is so much easier and cheaper.

5. Cheaper utilities.
A smaller house doesn’t require near as much to heat and cool. It also won’t need as much lighting etc.

6. Less to clean.
I’d much rather clean 1 bathroom instead of 3. Ahh, who am I kidding? My husband cleans the bathroom. #win

7. Closer family relationships.
Less space means more hanging out together in the same room. Living closer together means you’ll be more in tune with each other’s lives, thoughts, and feelings. Family time is the best time.

8. More environmentally friendly.
It’s true. Lower carbon footprints are prodigious.

9. Not as spooky.
People usually feel more comfortable in smaller homes. It’s cozier.

10. More intentional and conscious about your belongings and purchases.
Limited space means you have to confront your relationship with stuff. Compulsive consumerism and over consumption isn’t cool.

11. Cultivates creativity.
You can totally customize your house to reflect your quirky or quaint personality. Smaller spaces encourage you to find creative solutions, just take a look at the awesome tiny house movement.

12. Easier to sell.
If you do ever decide to sell your house, there’s a lot more buyers looking in that price and size range.

13. Good future rental property.
If you end of moving somewhere else, there’s more renters looking for affordable housing rather than McMansions.

14. Limited “Joneses Neighbors”.
Chances are you won’t be living next to any Jones families. Most of them are in cookie cutter suburbs. I love my older neighborhood that’s full of elderly folks, young families, and individuals that are all unique and down to earth. 

15. Freedom.
In general you’ll potentially have more financial freedom, freedom of time, and less stress. You can have a mega garden in your front yard, and you can’t do that in an HOA neighborhood.



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30 Things I Don’t Buy Anymore

“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”
– Henry David Thoreau


Why don’t I buy any of these things anymore? Because of every reason imaginable haha. (cost, health, environment, less waste, minimalistic, simplicity, higher quality, taste etc)

Note: When I say “we” I’m referring to my husband and I. Just wanted to clarify so you don’t think I’m Gollum/Smeagol. Sneaky little Hobbitses.


1. Canned Soup
Alternative: We make soup from scratch and bottle it.

2. Salad Dressing

Alternative: It’s incredibly easy and delicious to make your own. Orange vinaigrette dressing recipe here. Olive oil and vinegar is also good on salads.

3. Flour Tortillas

Alternative: We make our own. 

4. Packaged Sports Drinks
Alternative: Healthy powdered sports drink mixed with water in a reusable bottle.

5. Milk

Alternative: We make our own dairy free milks. Recipes here. We also use water instead of milk in a lot of recipes.

6. Vegetable Broth

Alternative: We make our own.

7. Microwave Popcorn
Alternative: I adore my popcorn popper!

8. Packaged Herbs and Spices
Alternative: We buy from the bulk section. It’s amazing how much cheaper it is!

9. Packaged Convenience Meals
Alternative: Cook from scratch. Freeze meals. Canning. 

10. Bottled Water
Alternative: Reusable water bottles!

11. Shaving Cream
Alternative: Donovan uses coconut oil to shave his face, and I use shower gel to shave my legs etc.

12. Toothpaste
Alternative: We make our own tooth powder. Recipe here.

13. Face Wash
Alternative: I make my own and my skin absolutely loves it. Recipe here.

14. Unnecessary Hair and Beauty Products
Alternative: I used to hoard products. I now only have the bare minimum of what I need and don’t buy more until it’s necessary.

15. Tissues
Alternative: We use handkerchiefs and they are awesome!

16. Deodorant
Alternative: Donovan uses plain baking soda and I make my own. It works so much better.

17. Cotton Rounds/Balls

Alternative: I made reusable “flannel squares” haha.

18. Feminine Products
Alternative: Menstrual cup!! Best thing that ever happened to my period.

19. Disposable Cleaning Cloths

Alternative: I use a small vacuum for our wood floors instead of a swiffer sweeper. I also use cleaning cloths/rags.

20. Laundry Detergent
Alternative: We make our own and/or use soap nuts. Recipe here.

21. Dryer Sheets
Alternative: Not necessary. Especially if you use soap nuts and line dry your clothes.

22. Plastic Wrap
Alternative: I’m all about the reusable containers.

23. Dusting Spray and Other Cleaning Products
Alternative: Microfiber cloths. Baking soda and vinegar.

24. Newspapers
Alternative: You can find news online for free. Though I recommend avoiding news media all together. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you aren’t being bombarded with all the negativity.

25. Excess Memberships and Subscriptions (Costco, beauty boxes, magazines, gym memberships, hulu plus, audible etc)
Alternative: We love our public library, exercise outside, and go without. We do have Netflix still.  Edit: We now cancelled Netflix, more details here.

26. Car and Car Expenses
Alternative: Walk. Ride a bicycle. (I sold my car last year, but Donovan does have a company car we use)

27. Home Decor and Seasonal Decor
Alternative: Enjoy the decor you already have. 

28. Cell Phone Service
Alternative: Ditch the phone plan. Use wifi.

29. Random Clothing & Accessories
Alternative: Say no to items that you’ll only wear once or twice. I strive to make intentional purchases that truly reflect my personal style and mesh well with my current wardrobe and lifestyle.

30. Professional Grooming Services (haircuts, hair coloring, mani/pedis, dog grooming etc)
Alternative: DIY

Thank you for reading this! Are there any items you don’t buy anymore? If so, please share so it can give me ideas of more things I can stop buying haha.
Peace & Love
-Kayla Oliver

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Observation Point at Zion National Park

“Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
-Dylan Thomas


Observation Point Trail: 2,100 foot elevation gain. 8 miles. Strenuous. Diverse trail. Switchbacks. Slot canyons. Higher than Angel’s Landing. Less crowds. Supreme views.

Imagine how magical our lives could be if we live each day with purpose.
Be adventurous. Do good. Seek beauty.
What if everyday we chased our passions?
Lets strive to do more, be more.



“Keep your face always toward the sunshine
– and shadows will fall behind you.”

– Walt Whitman



“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”
― John Muir, The Mountains of California



Vow to make it our quest to find the
wondrous beauty hidden in this glorious world.

Together lets seek it out, appreciate it, protect it.



Gazing up at the azure sky
Fluttering leaves of gold, ablaze in the light
Trees reaching high
Cliffs standing bold, oh what a site



As you hike around a corner, an incredible view suddenly and drastically opens up. The trail has a mighty drop off. About halfway along this final section my husband froze in fear. I told him to just wait there and I would finish the hike by myself. I continued on for about 5 seconds until my better judgment kicked in and I realized I shouldn’t leave him there alone, clinging to the side of the cliff. I took a few minutes to take in the wondrous view and then we turned around. At first I was a little bummed out about not completely finishing the hike, but then had some profound insights from that experience.

It’s good to push yourself, that’s the only way you will improve in life. BUT, it’s incredibly important to know when you should stop pushing yourself. Everyone has their limits. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Focus on your successes. It’s good to be gentle and understanding. So you didn’t completely finish the hike? That’s okay, you still saw some amazing views!

Henry David Thoreau said, “The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly.”



“My sorrow, when she’s here with me,
thinks these dark days of autumn rain are beautiful as days can be;
she loves the bare, the withered tree;
she walks the sodden pasture lane.”
-Robert Frost



As the light of day begins to fade, the canyon becomes quiet and still.
We are left to ponder our life. Each day is a gift.
Did we live today with purpose?



“You only get one life.
It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.”

― Jojo Moyes, Me Before You

Here’s to raging against the dying of the light.

Peace & Love
-Kayla Oliver

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DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe


5 reasons to make your own laundry detergent:

1. Less Waste
“A horrifying 1 billion laundry jugs are discarded in the United States annually. Once empty, only an estimated 30 percent of these high-density polyethylene (HPDE) jugs are recycled. The remaining 70 percent ends up in landfills, or clogs oceans and waterways.” –

You can recycle the paperboard packing the ingredients come in. If you can find the ingredients in bulk, package free, then that’s even better!

2. Eco-Friendly
The toxic chemicals in store bought detergents drain out and cause problems with plant, animal, and aquatic life. No bueno.

3. Cheaper
Tide costs about .20 cents per load. This stuff is between .04 and .11 cents per load (depending on how much you use).

4. Healthier
Being mindful of the ingredients you use can avoid skin irritations and allergy problems. Not to mention all the other health problems chemicals can cause.

5. Self-reliance
Hooray for going to the store less often!




1 bar castile soap
3 cups washing soda
3 cups borax

Grate the castile soap into a large bowl. Add washing soda and borax. Mix. Transfer to container of your choice. Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.

No need to use hot water, a cold water wash works totally fine. Also, you don’t actually need dryer sheets or fabric softener. Less crap to buy. Less waste. 

Thanks for reading! Peace and love.

p.s. blogpost coming soon about pros and cons of soap nuts/berries!

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DIY Eco-Friendly Facial Cleanser



Why make your own face wash?

  1. Better for your skin and for the environment. The majority of store bought cleansers are filled with toxic chemicals that aren’t beneficial for your skin, your health, or the planet.
  2. It’s cheaper to make your own.
  3. Avoid creating unnecessary waste.

Things you’ll need:

Mixing bowl and plastic or wood spoon. (it’s very important NOT to touch the bentonite clay with metal)

Raw Honey

   • Naturally anti-bacterial
   • Moisturizing
   • Promotes faster healing of blemishes
   • Lightens and fades scars
   • Calms inflammation

Bentonite Clay

   • Detoxifies skin
   • Helps balance oil production

Essential oils

Adding essential oils is optional. If you have extremely sensitive skin then I would suggest not using any. I personally use and love Rose Absolute, Rosehip, and Bergamot oils. There’s plenty of info online about which essential oils are good for different skin types. is a good source, or just do a google search. Trust your instincts on what essential oils (if any) would be good for your skin. Learn to listen and be in tune with yourself. Your body knows what’s good for it!




Depending on the size of your container, you may need to adjust the size of this recipe.


   • 4 tablespoons raw honey
   • 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
   • a few drops of essential oils if desired

You can add more honey or more clay to get the consistency you want. There’s no right or wrong.

To use this, I wet my face, gently massage product on, leave on for 30 seconds or longer, then rinse. I usually apply this at the beginning of my shower, and rinse off at the very end.

Thank you for reading this. I hope that you found this information helpful. If you try this out, please let me know how you like it!







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Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe

Yesterday was my birthday! (I’m 28 if you are wondering.) For my birthday dessert my husband made pumpkin cheesecake. It’s so, so, SO good. What’s not to love about a cheesecake WITH pumpkin AND is vegan? It’s also easy to make #win.

You could also make this recipe gluten-free just by using gluten-free graham crackers in the crust recipe.




Graham Cracker Crust Recipe:

• 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (tip: use a blender)
• 1/3 cup coconut sugar
• 6 tablespoons coconut oil
• 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon

Mix together and press into a pie dish. Bake at 375 F for 7 minutes, then let it cool.




Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe:

• 16 ounces of your favorite vegan cream cheese
• 1/2 cup coconut sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
• 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

Mix together the cream cheese, coconut sugar, and vanilla.
Optional: add one cup of this mixture to the crust to create a double layer cheesecake.
Stir in the pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice.
Spread into the pie dish. Bake at 325 F for 35-40 minutes. Refrigerate for 4-8 hours. Enjoy!


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Kanarra Creek Trail

Kanarra Creek Trail is located just outside of the small town of Kanarraville, Utah. It’s right off I-15 between St. George and Cedar City. There are two dirt parking lots at the start of the trail that charge $10 for parking. I’m cheap and parked for free at the Town Hall which is about .5 miles from the trail. Besides saving ten bucks, I actually really recommend you do that for a couple reasons. It’s a beautiful walk through the town, and the walk to the trail provides a nice warm up before hiking the steep inclines, as well as a nice cool down when you are finished. The trail is about 4.8 miles round-trip. If you park in town like I did then it’ll be closer to 6 miles.


The trail starts as a hilly dirt road. You’ll hike on that for awhile until it becomes a single track trail. After that the rest of your hike will be in the creek. You’ll eventually go through a stunning slot canyon then come to the Kanarraville Falls. There’s a ladder you can climb up that will lead to more small waterfalls. You can keep hiking or turn around if you aren’t able to climb the ladder. I personally kept hiking, but you won’t be missing out on much if you don’t continue. Make sure to wear shoes that can get wet, bring plenty of drinking water, and a snack or lunch. The water is pretty shallow so I don’t think a walking stick or trekking poles are necessary (do what you think is best though). I wouldn’t recommend bringing your dog or small kid, unless you want to carry them. The entire hike is beautiful and varies in scenery. It’s like a mini version of the Zion Narrows.



“There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!”
– Percy Bysshe Shelley




“Touch us gently, Time! Let us glide adown thy stream, Gently, – as we sometimes glide Through a quiet dream!”
– Bryan Procter




“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”
-Henri Matisse




“Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees,
and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it. ”
– Henry David Thoreau




“If it weren’t for the rocks in its bed, the stream would have no song.”
– Carl Perkins




I abruptly stopped on my journey as these roots caught my eye.
Completely enthralled by the profoundness of this exposed root system.
Expansive, intertwining, and steadfast.
How could one not be enchanted by the beauty?
We are surrounded daily by grandeur and miracles.
So much can be learned from our Mother Earth if we open our hearts and minds to her.




“When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;
When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it.”
-William Blake




Slot canyons feel cool and calming. The air smells clean and crisp. All is quiet.
Nothing else matters. You are completely living in the moment as you are cocooned by sandstone cliffs.

“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”
-Henry David Thoreau


A tree growing out of a cliff, high up in the slot canyon. Absolutely amazing.


Kanarraville Falls.




“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.”
– J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows




Another waterfall.




“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.”
– Nathaniel Hawthorne, The American Notebooks (Notebook, Oct. 10, 1842)




View of Kanarraville.




I am completely intrigued by this old house in Kanarraville.
I wonder what the interior looks like. How does it smell? What did this house look like in it’s prime?
Who was the family that called this place “home” back in a bygone era? What were their lives like?  Were they happy?
Why was this beautiful house neglected? So many questions…

I sincerely appreciate you for taking the time to read this post!
Peace and love.

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How to Fix a Bad Day

(note: this post is referring to trivial matters, not serious trials)

It’s totally normal to have a bad day every once in awhile. Life isn’t perfect. People aren’t perfect. There are always ups and downs. What’s important is how you react and deal with those “bad days”. I recently had a bad day… one that ended with a boot on my car and a $115 fine haha. Yes it totally sucked in the moment, but later it really got me thinking about the positive ways I dealt with the day, as well as the things I should’ve done differently. It’s good to be introspective and retrospective, but not so much ineffective to correct your defective, selective, negative perspective. *drops mic*

1. Don’t add fuel to the fire.
It’s only going to make you feel worse if you lose your temper, listen to angry music, or dwell on negative thoughts. Trust me on this. Ever notice how the rage builds the more you think or talk about a problem?

2. Stop complaining.
“If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more.” -Sammy Sosa
So true. It’s the law of attraction baby! What we focus on amplifies. If you are putting out negativity, more negativity is going to come right back to you. So stop ranting on facebook. Dumping negative energy into the world is a lose lose situation. If there is a problem that can be fixed, then by all means, fix the problem and move on!

3. Perspective.
Think about your problem in terms of time and relativity.
My mom taught me to ask myself, “is this going to matter in 50 years? 5 years? 5 days?” The answer 97% of the time is, probably not.
Think of others in the world who have it much worse. The fact that 1 billion CHILDREN are living in poverty should put things into perspective. Write down or say out loud what you are grateful for. List as many as you can. Once again, we want to shift our focus to the positive in life.

4.  Laugh.
Laughter is the best medicine. For many years my philosophy has been “you just gotta laugh about it”. Because sometimes when you are in a crappy situation, laughing is all you can do. Besides, I’d much rather laugh than cry.

5. Do good.
Newsflash: the world doesn’t revolve around you. Get out of your own head. Stop worrying about your problems and instead ask yourself, “what good can I do today?”. It’s amazing how doing a good deed can boost your mood.


Hopefully these tips can help you turn a bad day around. 🙂  Thank you for visiting my blog and for reading this. Peace.

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The Narrows at Zion National Park

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”


The Narrows at Zion National Park is one of the most beautiful and phenomenal places on earth. Hiking in the North Fork of the Virgin River, with 2,000 foot tall sandstone cliffs towering above you, sometimes as narrow as 20 feet, is absolutely thrilling! It’s easy to see why National Geographic ranked The Narrows as #5 of America’s Best 100 Adventures


The bottom up hike starts at the Temple of Sinawava. The last shuttle stop and end of the road. You’ll hike one mile on the Riverside Walk until you reach the end of the trail. After that the river is your trail. Make sure you have protective footwear with good traction, a hiking stick or trekking poles, and are wearing quick dry synthetic clothing. For more detailed info on the hike, check out





Riverside Walk.




In awe of the varying colors of sandstone.




“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal.
We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.
This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”

-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist




Mystery falls trickling into the Virgin river.




We live in a wonderful world. Nature is art. Its beauty surrounds us. Our duty is to open our eyes. Seek out the good. Let it soak into our souls, and be filled with gratitude. 




Fellow hikers and I watched in admiration as this father carried his two children through a pretty deep water crossing.




The farther you hike, the less people there are. That’s when the magic amplifies!




“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.”
-Rabindranath Tagore




View from the shuttle window.




Mountain climbers preparing to sleep cliffside! Impressive yet terrifying.




Divine end to the day with the sunset illuminating The Watchman. I will never tire of that view.




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