Definition: The attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing or special.
Synonyms: Charm, enchantment, romance, and mystique.
Living a glamorous life means you are being true to your authentic self. Embracing your uniqueness. Being the best you, that you can be. Because we are all individually awesome, a glamorous life can look different for each of us. You don’t need to look like an old Hollywood star to be glamorous. I’ve written 10 tips as a basic guide to help you embrace a more glamorous life.

1. Luxuries
Indulge in little luxuries. You don’t need to spend a lot of money (or any) to do this. A few ideas are: take an evening stroll, watch the sunrise/sunset, read a good book, take a bubble bath, buy yourself flowers, go on a picnic, enjoy a dessert etc.
2. Fine Foods
Focus on eating good, nutritious foods. Your body and your life will be immensely better if you eat proper meals rather than microwave dinners or fast food. Use your fancy dinnerware on a daily basis instead of just for the special occasions that rarely come. You CAN eat ridiculously well for very little money. My husband and I spend between $75 and $150 on groceries per month… for both of us!
3. Quality
Quality over quantity. Opt for the best quality you can. Choose good products, fabrics, entertainment, relationships etc. Obviously don’t be stupid with your money. Live within your means and live the highest quality of life you can. You will feel marvelous.
4. Gratitude
Being thankful is truly glamorous. Alex Ikonn once said something like, “Gratitude is a winning attitude”. Practicing gratitude every single day is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your family, and your life.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey
5. Simplify
Declutter your house. Simplify your life. Get rid of time and energy suckers. Is facebook really enhancing your life?
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris
6. Appearance
Put extra effort into your appearance. Dress for the life you want. Take good care of your body. Exercise. The way you choose to present yourself, says a lot about how you feel about yourself and the world. Step it up a notch (or a few). Work on improving yourself. Try wearing lipstick instead of lip balm. Wear a nice pajama set instead of sweats. You get the idea.
7. Be Positive
You are what you think. Be kind to yourself. Remember to think before you speak. Be mindful of the tone you use. Someone speaking eloquently, using positive words and a positive tone is far more alluring than a negative Nelly with poor grammar.
8. Celebrate
Live joyously. Celebrate good times, come on!
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” -Oprah Winfrey
9. Whoa Girl, Slow Down!
Breathe, relax, don’t rush, meditate. Take your time and thoroughly enjoy the process that is life. Stop and smell those glorious roses!
10. Be Genuine
Don’t be fake, be authentically yourself. Stop comparing your life, your body, your weaknesses etc to others. You are on your own unique journey in life, embrace it.
“Put aside the Ranger. Become who you were born to be.”
-Elrond LOTR